Linda Salim

Front-end developer based in Montreal, Canada



Hello, I am Linda ! Learn more about me, my background, passions and hobbies.

About me


Check out the web development certifications I earned as well as my most current programming skills.

Certifications and skills


Here are the featured projects I have been working on, from my first landing page to this portfolio.

My work


Got a question, a work inquiry or just want to say hello ? Get in touch with me via social media or email !

Contact me


Hello, I am Linda ! I am originally from France and living in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) since 2018. I worked for 15 years in sales and project management, in the furniture and design industry, mostly in France and in North America.

As I needed new challenges in my professional life, I recently decided to change my career path and commit to a new professional direction. After a whole reassessment of my goals, needs and values, coding simply came to my mind. It did not take me too long to just jump in and give it a go !

What excites me most about working in web development is being able to create things that have purpose and to directly visualize the result of my work. I am a detail-oriented person and I value collaboration with both customers and team members. I strongly believe this is the key to a reliable working process and a successful project delivery.

Outside work, when I am not cooking, swimming, running, taking care of my baby or having a coffee with friends, I dance and teach Boogie Woogie. Whether by myself, with a dance partner or with a dance crew, I participate in shows and engage in competition. Check out these videos if you feel curious !

PS : it is me right there !


SheCodes offers coding workshops to women and helps bridge the gender gap in the programming industry.


Take a look at what I have been working on recently !

Dictionary Project

Built with React.js and CSS

Dictionary application featuring a search engine and using a REST API.

Weather Project

Built with React.js and CSS

Weather application featuring a search engine and geolocation parameters, and using a REST API.

Art Deco Project

Built with HTML and CSS

Landing page featuring embed content.

World Clock Project

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

World clock application featuring a search engine and using a REST API.

Ice Cream Project

Built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Landing page featuring a change of theme button.

Portfolio Project

Built with HTML and CSS

Landing page featuring embed content, SEO and responsive navigation (among others !).


Let's get in touch !